Episode Title:Scream of a Dream.Episode Description:During the mission the "dream" tai chi is activated which traps people in their greatness dreams and traps everyone in the town in their dreams from which they won't wake up from including some off the dragonoid troops. The chasers use a bubble to stop the tai chi affecting them, but when the bubble bursts Rai ends up seeing Tori's, Sena's, and Donha's dreams. Rai is unaffected because he has the break card and tries to snap them out but it doesn't work. Finn is the only other one unaffected because he says he doesn't have dreams. Hak calls Rai and tells him that everyone dreams will turn into there nightmares and then the cards absorbs everyone's nightmares and there dreams will become real. A Nightmare Monster shows and Rai loses the break card. Finn is the only one left unaffected, but Masked Warrior comes and snaps Rai out of his dream and gives him the card to stop the dream tai chi. Later, on the airship, Rai starts to piece together the identity of the Masked Warrior.